An Overview of Oenklay
Oenklay is group of islands 70-100 miles west of the main land in the world girding ocean. While the true count of islands is unknown, there is one primary island (also known as Oenklay) and 6 midsized islands. A large number of smaller islands to the east of Oenklay proper generally are known as the Shatterend. Oenklay also marks the western edge of the world. Beyond the westernmost islands, the ocean ends and gives way to the Other Realms.
Inhabitants of Oenklay often talk about the “Five Provinces”. Naive observers with no sense of Oenklay's history tend to believe this is due to the shape of the island: five major “arms” with no “body”. Historically, these arms did indeed correspond to the Five Provinces of the former Monarchy of Oenklay. Starting at the southernmost and working clockwise, these arms are known as Anealeas, Oirnale, Einea, East Province, and Romhai. Once a single nation (along with the most of the surrounding islands), each province along with each of the major islands is now its own separate entity. Independent villages and other groups live throughout the lands, especially in disorganized East Province, the mountains of Einea, the depths of Imsea Wood, chaotic Shatterend, and the islands near the world's edge.
Oenklay is not a peaceful, idyllic utopia. Warfare and disease are endemic. While war can break out between any of the provinces at any time, Anealeas and Romhai's wars are the most frequent and get attention across all of Oenklay when they brew up. When the provinces aren't fighting, it's the merchant houses or local lords getting into skirmishes. These small wars are tolerated as long as they don't get too far out of hand. The shape of Oenklay means the Shatterend pirates can strike nearly anywhere while Bandits and worse dwell in Imsea Wood. Oirnale and Einea bear the brunt of the “visitors” and other “special phenomena” that arrive from the Other Realms.
In addition to the “civilized”, plenty of “uncivilized” dwell in the forests, mountains, caves and islands of Oenklay. These include kobolds and gnomics mostly. Rishic, other than kobolds, are rare, but at least a few of the Shatterend pirates are saur clans. Monstrous beasts exist in great numbers in Imsea Wood as well as other areas. Land sharks being a particular scourge in East Province. A few dragons are known to lair in Oenklay, but they rarely interact with other creatures that aren't about to become food. They are occasionally seen on the wing. When circling, this is a sign to hide, but just as often, they seem to be flying with purpose to some destination. A few massive individuals are known to exist but they mostly seem content to fly across the sky.
The edge between this world and the Other Realms is a thing of mystery. Only in legend has anyone returned from attempting to cross to the Other Realm, and these legends also speak of incredible and varied torments visited on these heroes. “Going on a journey to the Other Realm” is a euphemism for undertaking a hopeless task.
The map of Oenklay - this is an old one created in Campaign Cartographer in 2008.