
Once the trade capital of the north, Bluwell found itself recovering and reinventing itself after the Shattering. Massive landslides blocked the River Wem's course out of the valley, drowning all of Bluwell's low lying districts. Only the hills poking up from the valley floor survived the resulting flood.

Today, Bluwell is the island city. Green is an ancient memory on the islands as every bit of ground sports a building, wall, road, or other edifice. Even the lakeshore is sparsely vegetated now as workhouse pollution threatens the city's main defense and water supply. With land limited by water and that water more frequently harboring dangerous beasts, Bluwell's buildings rise higher on average than in any other city in Oenklay. In the Heights, not only does the land rise higher than the other islands, houses run to six or seven storeys as a rule.

Life in Bluwell is dominated by two of Einea's merchant houses: The Mercantile Guild of Bluwell and the House of Overland and Overseas. The Mercantile Guild's subordinate businesses spread all over Bluwell and it makes its headquarters in a refurbished castle east of the city among a cluster of workhouses and warehouses. O&O's mills and shell keep turned caravanserai dominate the southern approaches to the city. The other merchant houses vie for a distant third place in Bluwell's economic and political landscape.

Unlike most of Oenklay's big cities, few shrines and temples are found in Bluwell. Outside of the small shrines that serve the needs of foreigners, the temples are all large and dedicated to a particular Elder cult that venerates an ancient avatar known as the Emperor or Empress. Core to this cult's theology is the doctrine of "Self Determination" — a person picks their own time to move to the next life when it is clear this life is drawing to a close. A doctrine that is only 300-400 years old, it formerly took its highest form at the Templum Vitae where congregants who passed the careful screening of the clergy could undergo a ritual that lets them transition to the next life through a portal in the temple. If lucky and faithful enough, the would find a spirit guide on the other side of the portal to lead them on their way. This practice has fallen out of favor with more recent clergy who encourage transitions based on pharmacological preparations. Self Determination permeates Bluwell culture and leads to Bluewellians taking an active stance in determining their own affairs. Common wisdom links the rise of the doctrine of Self Determination in Bluwell with the rise of Einea's merchant houses to dominance in Oenklay, a supposition that historians find little to disagree with.


Bluwell draft. Created with Clip Studio Paint and a bit of Photoshop.

  1. Fall Gate - The smallest island other than the Citadel, a few taverns and warehouses are surrounded by working class homes, including those of the few fisher folk still brave enough to make their living from the lake.
  2. Torton Cityside - Before the shattering, this was a green hill occupied by city government's offices and the estates of the elite. With the loss of lands, the elite and merely well-to-do are concentrated in the northern end of the island.
  3. Town Estate of the House of Overland and Overseas - The in city headquarters of the O&O, the posh apartments of the house along with the home base of its guard group are here, but most day-to-day business is conducted in its other properties scattered in and around the city.
  4. City Hall and Grand Assembly - Outside of the Shrine of Gold, this large central plaza is occupied by city government and innumerable offices of the merchant houses, accountants, barristers, and other wealthy professionals.
  5. Shrine of Gold - The Templum Vitae dominates religious life in Bluwell, but the elite tend to gather at this subordinate shrine, away from the poor masses.
  6. The Citadel - the crossroads of Bluwell is also its strongest strong point. The watch and guard have their headquarters here.
  7. Mineral - The former ore processing mills of this mostly working class neighborhood are now the workhouses and warehouses of the Mercantile Guild.
  8. Guildhall of the Mercantile Guild of Bluwell.
  9. Criven - A strong upper working class makes its home in this most densely populated neighborhood of Bluwell. More independent craftspeople are found here than in any other district, thriving despite the merchant houses' near duopoly.
  10. The Heights - lack of a direct connection to Torton makes this the remotest and poorest of the islands. This despite the myth of Bluwell placing its founding on the side of this hill and the former valley stretching west below it.
  11. Templum Vitae - the largest, most prestigious temple of Bluwell marks the location of Bluwell's founding and the center of its Elder cult.
  12. The Winter Wind Inn - Tavern and local hall for the Company of the North merchant house. The Company holds onto its operations in Bluwell by operating primarily in the Heights.
  13. House of Overland and Overseas Assay Offices - with the large millworks outside the city now, the O&O's former assay office is a large inn, warehouse, and home to local operations of several independent mercenary companies, including a large outpost of the Syndicate.
  14. Warehouses and Workhouses of the Mercantile Guild.
  15. Mercatorkila - Fortress and home base of the Mercantile Guild. It is as much a staging area for its guard operations as it is a secure warehouse complex.
  16. The Teamster's Shoe - The shell keep now is the headquarters and a fortified inn of the O&O.
  17. O&O's mills - O&Os many mills produce a wide variety of goods. The largest mill produces all manner of ceramic goods including some of the highest quality porcelain in Oenklay. This operation is so large and efficient, no other ceramic producers of any significance operate in the area despite an abundance of clay deposits south of the city. A cluster of tenements provides meager housing for many workers. Others walk daily from the Heights.
  18. South Gate - a small cluster of tenements and businesses, including the Broken Wheel inn. Many independent caravans gather here for the journey to points south, including Joring.
  19. Fall Trail - Originally nothing but post-Shattering squatter homes, this is now an established settlement that is the jumping off point for travelers going west towards Wempley. With a less arduous and less dangerous journey, the caravans are smaller.
  20. The Fall - The immense landslide that created the lake of Bluwell (still without an offical name) created these falls. The land south also subsided for miles, creating a steep sided valley, rough river course, and ruining the river route that carried most of the trade between Bluwell and the port city of Wempley.